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Richard Isaev
Richard Isaev

Oblivion Change Appearance Without Losing Stats __LINK__

Although it is still possible to contract Porphyric Hemophilia after being cured, a character can never become a vampire again without the use of a mod or the console. This is due to the fact that either method of being cured of the condition sets pcvampire and vampire.hasdisease to -1. Since you cannot have porphyric hemophilia twice at the same time, this value can never reach 1. Prior to being infected they are both set at 0 and this is what allows the transformation to take place. There are several mods that change this, and different ways of doing it via the Console.

Oblivion Change Appearance Without Losing Stats

If this does not work as is the case with the bug where using the command sexchange will cause the head to disappear altogether instead of reverting to female, enter the command showracemenu into the console. Adjust your characters appearance to female and then save the game before hitting "done". Load the game you just saved, and your female pc will look female again.

Note: If you are running Oblivion on Windows XP Media Center Edition or Windows Vista, and an infrared remote receiver is plugged in (note that many laptops have this built in), your console may not function properly. In order to restore its functionality, unplug the receiver for your Media Center Remote (or if it's built in use the device manager to disable or uninstall "ITECIR Infrared Receiver" from "Human Interface Devices"). This will allow you to use the console, as the receiver interferes with Oblivion's programming. Additionally, a built-in infrared receiver on laptops can cause the same issue and disabling it in the Device Manager has proven to fix the console function. Alternatively, a Ring of Console mod has been created to circumvent this problem. You can also use Change Console Key mod (requires OBSE and latest oblivion patch) to change the key or use Oblivion Console Spell (requires OBSE) to open the console. Using either of these will avoid any difficulties that the Ring of Console may have saving the game while toggling menus. provides a place for the modding community to download the latest version of the mod, talk about further development, and exchange images and videos. Please read the Chat and Forum Rules and the Disclaimer before you post content.

Q: Can I use the CD/DVD, Steam or GOG release?Yes, you can! The only thing to be aware of is that occasionally, some mods have slightly different installation instructions for the STEAM version of the game. The only one relevant to Morroblivion is xOblivion Script Extender (OBSE) which is required for Morroblivion. Read xOBSE installation instructions for details. If you installed Oblivion in C:\Program Files\ and you are running Windows 7, Windows 10/11 or Server 2008, you need to move your Steam installation out of C:\Program Files\, which you can do without reinstalling Steam: How to move Steam installation and games.

How do I travel between Oblivion and Morrowind worldspace (Cyrodiil and Vvardenfell)?You can't travel between the worlds without the "world transport" mod, which are installed alongside the main Morroblivion mod. Read the installation instructions, as well as the instructions that come with the "world transport" mod.

Are Morroblivion creatures/loot/npc's/merchants leveled like in Oblivion?Background: In default Oblivion, many of the game's aspects change as your character's level increases. For example, a certain boss creature will always be at a level that is five level's higher than your character's current level. This is applied across the game, but this was not the case in Morrowind. This is a controversial topic, and there are many mods available that change the way leveling works in Oblivion (such as FCOM, OOO, etc).

Ultimately, whether a mod affects Morroblivion or not depends on what the mod does and how it is written. Any custom clothing, armor, etc., should be unaffected. New cities, quests, and anything else that goes on in the Oblivion worldspace should be unaffected. Morroblivion is similar to entering the Shivering Isles. Nothing on your character changes, but the surroundings are not familiar.

Once you have your mod[s] installed via Wrye Bash, and you have followed all of the other installation instructions for Morroblivion, the final task is to check your load order on the "Mods" tab to make sure that Oblivion.esm comes first, followed IMMEDIATELY by Morrowind_ob.esm. CTRL+UP and CTRL+DOWN can be used to change the load order of a selected mod, but make sure that the mod list is sorted by the load order column in the first place. is a video game community web site. We do not display advertisements, require membership fees, or impose other charges on site visitors. 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